The subject I have decided to develop is the influence that painters have on the fashion world today.
I would like to explore what movements in painting are revisited in the fashion industry today and why.
I shall look at the following questions.
What age group is targeted?
Why has this trend to include an influence from pictorial art only come about now? (And has it?) What started it? For this last question I will attempt to explore a specific example of this trend.
How did paintings become a fashion accessory? How did pictorial art become included in the world of fashion and become a trendy detail?
How are these works of art revisited in order to adapt to contemporary fashion today? Can art equal fashion? The meaning of a painting will surely change if reused for fashion purposes. Can the painting be connected with fashion and not lose its universal artistic value?
Are these mutations only appearing in fashion or also in our contemporary visual environment?
I shall develop my argument by making plastic studies of the popular works of art that stand out in this new wave of fashion. This will help me to understand and explain their mutations. (colour scale, compositions...)
Some examples of artists that have been used are Keith Harring, Warhol, Jean Michel Basquiat, Van Gogh, and Mondrian.
Based on the exhibition, Foundation Cartier Paris « NĂ© dans la rue », Tate Modern « POP Life », the « Palais de Tokyo» and « Colette» shops Paris.
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