Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Telling Tales

When I entered the exhibition I had a feeling of anxiety, the whole atmosphere was disturbing. The detail of the work was beautiful and gave me a inspiration for enchantment.

In 'The Forest Glade' the 'Petit Jardin' chair caught my attention. I found it intriguing in it's detail. It had a traditional enchanted fairytale look. The disordered natural shapes and the flowery cuttings give the idea of forest vegetation but the laser cut shapes are so neat and sharp it makes it look dangerous. The colours and material used give a futuristic and almost unfinished design to this piece.

In 'Heaven and Hell' I didn't really know what to think of 'Damned.MGX'. At first I found it disturbing, it looked like a pile of corpses and violent bodies. It reminded me of some kind of barbaric battle scene. But when I looked closer I found a certain grace. Some of the bodies look like their floating, as if they were in water. The repetition an synchronization reminded me of a water ballet. But even though the colour, shape of the sculpture and bodies look pure their tortured faces give a disturbing, morbid feeling.

In the 'Enchanted Castle' I was amazed by the lightness I found in Jeroem Verhaeven's 'Cinderella Table'. It is made of marble and very imposing but it looks smooth and light. I like how the designer used the outline of a classic table and the material that would be found in a wealthy household. I found interesting how he used the traditional look and mutated it in a very modern shape cut in an old solid bloc.

The objects of the exhibition are well lit and displayed as if they were put in a living situation. In the 'enchanted castle' the mirrors on the walls and floor give an oppressing feeling to the room. The objects are reflected, multiplied and are shown in different angles to the public which creates a dramatic sensation.

These art pieces are all very different from one another in their shapes and colours but all have the same theme. This is what makes them relate to each other and work together in creating a ambiance to the room. I could make my collection more interesting by finding a way to make my objects relate to each other in space and theme to get a feeling of nostalgia.

The titles ' Enchanted Castle' and 'Heaven and Hell' are two titles I find appropriate for these exhibits.

In 'Enchanted Castle' the objects and furniture are fantastical. The designs of many of these objects recall the 18th century which is often evoked by fairytale writers and illustrators. Some of the exposed objects are a parody of high status by their exageration, materials and changes of scales. These objects show a image of wealth and magic as we can often find in fairy tales.

In 'Heaven and Hell' it is not all clear what resembles more to heaven or to hell. Some of these objects are heavenly in their shape and grace but look more like hell in their meaning or detail. This room is like a conflict between life and death, judgement and salvation. It all has to do with the mortality of men and often the afterlife. The materials are manly cold and hard but the shapes are purified.

I particularly liked 'Linen-Cupboard-House' I find the subject of childhood interesting in many ways. This piece reflects well the innocence, simplicity and naiveness in the way the children build houses for their make believe adventures.

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